Travis is a master of short, pithy character description as filtered through the mind of his sympathetic protagonist, Hank Petty Zybeck.
With his pointed nose and perpetual five o’clock whiskers, Dave had always reminded me of a fox. Not a sly fox like you read about as a kid, but a chicken stealing, henhouse fox, destined to get shot some bright moonlit night.
Given the theme of Erwin's book, it seems appropriate to include a bit of description from my pirate story, Marooned, written under my Lyndi Lamont pseudonym. In this scene, the heroine is disguised as a young man, but her guise doesn't fool the pirate captain for long.

Adam reached out and put a hand on Hal’s shoulder, noting the fine bones. He moved his hand down, feeling the soft flesh and lack of muscle in the arm. He studied Hal’s fine, pale complexion, and, for the first time, noticed that both earlobes were pierced.
“What is your real name, lass?” he asked softly.
In the interest of full disclosure, I admit that Travis is one of my cyber friends. That doesn't mean I didn't really enjoy reading the excerpt from his book. He has an authentic middle-American voice that works well with this story of a car salesman who dreams of buried treasure. I just wish there'd been more. I want to know whether Hank finds the treasure.
You can read the full excerpt at Travis Erwin's blog.
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