Last fall I finally decided to do something about my excess weight, mostly to try to lower my cholesterol. I'd put this off for a long time because I couldn't decide how to go about losing weight. I asked myself, which diet did I want to follow? The answer was none. I've dieted before, and lost weight, but I always gained it all back and then some.
I finally decided that the best method would be old-fashioned calorie counting. The hope was that by not changing my food intake to conform to someone else's idea of what I should be eating I might actually be able to maintain the weight loss. But calorie counting can be a drag. So I looked for some help at the Apple Apps Store. There I found the app for My Fitness Pal, a free app that was highly rated, with a corresponding website,
I set up an account and the program helped my figure out how fast I wanted to lose and how many calories I could consume on a daily basis. I elected to lose fairly slowly because I knew I'd have limited patience for a very low calorie diet. I ended up at about 1700 calories per day, which turned out to be quite doable. The calorie counting is much easier now when the computer does most of the work for you. My Fitness Pal has a huge database of foods, and nowadays manufacturers list calories on many food items, plus the computer (or iPhone app does the addition for you. I often just have to check off the foods I've eaten from a master list of my favorites. This made the whole process much easier to stick with. At the website, you can even invite friends to diet with you. If you decide to try it, look me up. My name there is lyndilamont.
Now, eight months later, I've lost 28 pounds and my cholesterol is back in the normal range. Color me happy. If you're looking to lose weight, I recommend this plan. It's free and easier than ever.
Linda aka Lyndi
Linda aka Lyndi Lamont
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Book Review Club: God Is Not One

by Stephen Prothero,
Harper Collins 2010
Prothero, a professor of comparative religion at Boston University, wrote this book to refute the meme that at their heart all religions are the same at the core. He rightly points out that no one thinks difference political or economic systems are the same, i.e. capitalism vs. socialism or democracy vs. dictatorship. The approach he takes is to analyze eight major religions: Islam, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, the Yoruba religion of Africa, Judaism and Daoism. Christianity is still the largest religion, in terms of the number of followers, but Islam is the fastest-growing religion, so it gets top billing.
Prothero discusses each religion in some detail. Most interesting to me was the way he identifies what each one sees as the central problem of human existence and the solution to the problem. These range from Christianity's emphasis on individual sin and salvation to Confucianism's insistence that the problem is chaos and the solution is order and social harmony. Here are the problems and solutions in brief, as I understood them:
Islam sees the problem as one of pride and self-sufficiency and the solution is submission to Allah
Christianity sees the problem as sin and salvation is the solution
Confucianism sees chaos as the problem and order and social harmony as the solution.
Hinduism sees the problem in the vicious cycle of death and rebirth; the solution is to find release from the wheel of karma, i.e. spiritual liberation
For Buddhism, the problem is suffering and the solution is escape via the Noble Eightfold Path. As Prothero says, "One of the distinguishing marks of the Buddhist tradition is its emphasis on experience over belief."
Yoruba, which also believes in reincarnation, identifies the problem as forgetfulness of one's destined purpose and the solution is remembering, i.e. recovering our destiny.
Judaism sees the problem as exile (distance from God) and the solution as return. This can mean going back to God or, more literally, the return to the Holy Land.
Daoism sees the problem as lifelessness and constraint as the problem and the solution is to live life to the fullest in harmony with the Dao.
In reading the book, it became clear that these religions disagree not only on the central problem of being human, but on such profound philosophical ideas as the nature of God, even the number of gods, the soul (if it exists) and the promise of an afterlife and what form it might take.
I think Prothero made his point that rather than focusing on the commonality of religions, we should explore and understand the differences. Only then can we be tolerant. I found the book readable and fascinating and I think it's a good introduction to world religions. Highly recommended.
I bought the Kindle version and read it on my new iPad, but it's also available in hard cover and your library may own a copy.
Click icon for more book review blogs @Barrie Summy
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Literature Tech
For an interesting overview of the development of literature based on technological advances, check out this blog post:
10 Technologies That Changed Literature Forever
10 Technologies That Changed Literature Forever
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