Friday, June 27, 2008


I've been really bad about blogging this week, so I'm dashing off a post before bedtime, so don't expect too much. :)

I added the Obamamania widget today from Slate Magazine's Encyclopedia Baracktannica, just because I think it's so clever.

And here's today's "Bushism of the Day":

"One of the things important about history is to remember the true history." — Washington, D.C., June 6, 2008

If only. As someone famously remarked, history is written by the winners. It will be interesting to see what history ultimately records about the first decade of the 21st century. My bet is it won't be regarded as a "Golden Age" of anything, except maybe greed. There are times I was ecstatic over the 20th century, and I'd never have anticipated that.

What do you think? What will history think of this period?



Anonymous said...

Oh, this was a GREAT post, Linda. Bushisms. How sad. What will history think of this period? Knowing the propensity of this administration to keep secrets and execute executive privileges, I'd guess history will only have good things to say because anything negative about this administration will have been redacted - as per executive order.


Lyndi Lamont said...

I hope you're wrong, Debbie, but a lot depends on who "the winners" are, and a lot on who wins the White House in Nov. Either way, I'm sure the current admin will conduct a scorched earth policy on White House records on their way out. They've already erased, excuse me, lost e-mails, or so they told Congress. I wonder if we'll ever really know what all happened in the last seven years.


Kathleen Rowland said...

Bushisms-- I don't have to feel too guilty since I didn't vote for him. I do think Obama has an intelligent persona. I like how he hasn't made race an issue which makes me believe he has risen above it.

Lyndi Lamont said...

Kathleen, I do agree that Obama is very intelligent, and he's articulate, which would make for a nice change after Bush. Sometimes I just have to cringe at some of the things he says. Sorry if that makes me sound like an intellectual snob. "Is our children learning?" Maybe it's because I'm a writer and I actually try to follow the rules of grammar.

Linda / Lyndi

Unknown said...

Not to be "Debbie Downer," but I think the first decade of the new millennium might be known more for fear than anything else, thanks to global terrorism.

Although ... it might be also qualify as the dawn of the Digital Age.

Linda McLaughlin said...

You've got a point, Rhonda. It may well go down as the Decade of Fear, and not all of them related to terrorism. I doubt it'll be regarded as a Golden Age of anything.
