Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lady Elinor's Escape - Linda's Book Featured in the Eggcerpt Exchange

Once again, I'm participating in Tina Gayle's annual Eggcerpt Exchange, starting on March 5.

For more details, go to

Lady Elinor's Escape, part of the Eggcerpt Exchange fun.
Genre: Sweet Regency Romance


Lady Elinor Ashworth always longed for adventure, but when she runs away from her abusive aunt, she finds more than she bargained for. Elinor fears her aunt who is irrational and dangerous, threatening Elinor and anyone she associates with. When she encounters an inquisitive gentleman, she accepts his help, but fearing for his safety, hides her identity by pretending to be a seamstress. She resists his every attempt to draw her out, all the while fighting her attraction to him.

There are too many women in barrister Stephen Chaplin’s life, but he has never been able to turn his back on a damsel in distress. The younger son of a baronet is a ‘rescuer’ of troubled females, an unusual vocation fueled guilt over his failure to save the woman he loved from her brutal husband. He cannot help falling in love with his secretive seamstress, but to his dismay, the truth of her background reveals Stephen as the ineligible party.

Now the Eggcerpt:

“Excuse me, madam, but I could not help overhearing you say that you must leave for London immediately. Allow me to introduce myself. Stephen Chaplin, Esquire, at your service.”

Elinor turned to face the gentleman who had suddenly appeared. She stared at him through a haze of black, taking advantage of her veil to get a closer look at this tall, dark-haired, seemingly well bred gentleman. He was above average height, with finely chiseled features, and while he could not, strictly speaking, be deemed handsome, there was something in the intense scrutiny of his light brown eyes that drew her to him. By the cut of his bottle green Superfine coat, which emphasized his broad shoulders, but was not so tight as to hamper movement, and his casually tied neckcloth, she surmised he was no society dandy.

“How do you do?” she said politely, extending one black-gloved hand.

“Fine, thank you.”

As he took her hand and bowed over it, Elinor savored the warmth of his touch for a moment. It had been a long time since someone had touched her out of kindness. Suddenly realizing she was clutching his hand, she withdrew hers. He studied her, his gaze seeming to penetrate the veil, and she could only stand like the veriest lump under his scrutiny.

“I beg your pardon, madam, but what did you say your name was?”

“Eli—” Elinor broke off and feigned a cough, panic bubbling up inside. Her name. Dear heavens, she needed a new name. If she told him who she was, he would never agree to take her to Mimi. She stared down at the gentleman’s yellow nankeen trousers and shiny brown boots. “Brown,” she stammered. “Ellie Brown.”

“Mrs. Brown, may I offer my assistance? I’m heading for London myself and would be pleased to convey you as far as Chippenham, where you may pick up another stage coach.”

Relief flooded through her at his offer, but could she trust him? No proper young lady rides in a closed carriage with a gentleman who is not related to her. The words of her governess rang in her ears. “I do not think—”

“Of course, you are cautious,” he interrupted smoothly. “Any genteel lady would hesitate to trust a strange gentleman.”

"But I am not a lady,” she blurted. If Aunt Sarah learned that a ‘lady’ had been here, she would know where to look for her. “I am merely a seamstress.”

"Really,” he drawled, doubt evident in his tone.

“Yes, I have a position awaiting me in London.” She was surprised, and a bit uncomfortable, at how easily the lies flowed from her lips, but they were necessary.

Lady Elinor's Escape
is available at:

Online Contacts:
Twitter @LyndiLamont:

Thanks for letting me share.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Worth The Risk #MFRWhooks @LyndiLamont

Welcome to this week’s Book Hooks! post sponsored by Marketing for Romance Writers. In this weekly blog meme, authors share six to eight sentences snippets from a work in progress or published book. Readers have the chance to jump from one author to another, sampling different genres and styles of writing.

Today’s six-sentence hook comes from my contemporary romantic comedy, Worth The Risk, by Lyn O'Farrell. (That's me and my fellow author Anne Farrell.)

First six lines of Chapter One:

His son was matchmaking again.

Mitch Delaney groaned as he read the note Josh had thrust into his hand before dashing out of the house.

Dear Dad,

Meet me at the libery after skool. I found her.

Yur son, Josh


Children's librarian Amanda Lloyd values privacy above all else. Three years ago her wedding ended in disaster when her groom was arrested at the altar and the story of the 'Embezzler's Bride' appeared in the supermarket tabloids. The experience has left her determined to avoid being caught in the public eye again. Until she meets a sexy single dad with a scandalous past.

Ex-racer Mitch Delaney is a public figure whose life has been plastered across the tabloids more than once. But he believes that anything worth doing is worth a risk. After the death of his ex-wife, he moved to Southern California to take care of his son Josh. He doesn't need the complication of a woman in his life, especially since Josh's grandparents have filed suit for custody. But Josh is on the hunt for a new mother and he has his heart set on Miss Amanda, and Mitch can't fault his son's taste.

Against her better judgment, Amanda finds herself falling for both of the Delaney men. When she agrees to accompany Mitch to a high-profile movie premiere, they draw the attention of the tabloids. Overnight Amanda’s private affair becomes very public indeed, threatening her job and Mitch’s custody suit. She’s waited twenty-eight years for the right man. But will happiness come at too high a price?

Worth The Risk is available from Amazon Kindle, Apple, B&N/Nook, Kobo, and Smashwords.


Use the linky list below to hop to another Book Hooks blog.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


This fun news for figure skating fans is courtesy of Alina Adams, former skating researcher and author.

Have you ever wanted to talk (or shout) back at Dick Button? Now is your chance!

The Emmy-Award winning commentator will be live Tweeting the coverage on NBC of the Men's Short Program (2/13/14), the Men's Free Program (2/14/14), the Ladies' Short Program (2/19/14) and the Ladies' Long Program (2/20/14) at

In his new book, Push Dick's Button: A Conversation on Skating from a Good Part of the Last Century-and a Little Tomfoolery (available now on Amazon and via, the two-time Olympic gold medalist invites readers to take a seat with him on the couch while he ruminates about skating's good, bad, ugly... and controversial.

During all four nights of "Push Dick's Button: A Live Olympic Skating Conversation on Twitter" readers will be able to do just that - in cyberspace - as they scroll though Button's comments on the unfolding competition - and enjoy the chance to, at long last, talk back!

The first man to land a triple jump in competition and the creator of the inaugural World Professional Championships, the perennially pioneering Button now leaps (with toes perfectly pointed, of course) into the Brave New World of interactive, expert, figure-skating commentary, promising to answer questions and respond to comments - good and bad! - from his followers!

To join in the conversation, all you need to do is follow: To talk back, use the hashtag #PushDicksButton.

"Push Dick's Button: A Live Olympic Skating Conversation on Twitter" is brought to you by Alina Adams' Figure Skating Mystery Series (5 Books in 1), also available on Amazon.

Now I have to think of a question for Mr. Button. Any suggestions?


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Book Review Club: At Any Price

Brenna Aubrey
Genre: New Adult (for mature readers)
Self-published, 2013

Brenna Aubrey is a local author I know from my RWA chapter. Her book was the subject of a literary auction and a six-figure publication offer. She thought long and hard before deciding to self publish, a very brave and sometimes controversial move, but one that has paid off. You can read her first month of publication report at her blog.

Now for my review:

At Any Price is narrated in first person by Emilia "Mia" Strong, a 22-year-old college student with aspirations (but no money) to go to medical school. In desperation she writes "A Virgin's Manifesto" on her blog to auction off her virginity.

The winner of the auction is Adam Drake, software prodigy and CEO of a large gaming company. Mia is a video gamer, too, and despite a rocky first meeting, the two find they have much in common. The attraction between them is powerful, which bothers Mia. This was supposed to be a one night stand. But for some reason, Adam keeps putting off the moment of consummation. When they do get together, the love scenes are hot!

While it's clear to the reader that these two are made for each other, both come with so much personal baggage, it takes a while to get to a tentative happy ending. But it turns out this is the first in a trilogy, so readers will see more of Mia and Adam's journey.

Aubrey is a terrific author. She draws the reader into the world of her characters. We sympathize with Mia's situation, juggling her studies, a part-time job as an orderly, and her blogging schedule, barely getting by, but too proud to ask for help.

Adam is used to being in charge and at times comes across as a bit arrogant, esp. in their first meeting. As we get to know him, we see that he's really a nice guy at heart. There were times when I wished I could get into his head, but ultimately his motivation was revealed.

This is the first book I've read in the "New Adult" genre, books with characters from 18 to twenty-something. According to NA Alley New Adult books encompass "the transition between adolescence (a life stage often depicted in Young Adult fiction) and true adulthood." So the characters are of legal age and sexually active, but emotionally immature. What could go possibly wrong? I've also heard recently that the genre seems to be evolving/devolving into "first love erotica" but don't ask me. I know very little about the genre, but I would call this book at least borderline erotic, esp. since the plot revolves around the loss of Mia's virginity.

Brenna Aubrey has made an impressive debut and I think she has a brilliant career ahead of her. Though I enjoyed this book a lot, I can't say it has made a "new adult" fan out of me, though I will happily read Aubrey again.

I give At Any Price five Celestial Orbs and a Get Out of Dungeon Free card.

Thanks for dropping by. Don't forget to check out of the other wonderful reviews by clicking on the graphic below.


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@Barrie Summy

Review Disclaimer:

All books reviewed on this blog are either in the private collection of the blogger or were checked out of the library. None were provided free of charge for the purpose of soliciting an endorsement.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Touchdown, Sweetie Pie! #PuppyBowl

Tomorrow is a big day: It's Puppy Bowl Sunday!

If you've never watched it, the Puppy Bowl is one of the cutest things you'll ever see. The pups romp and play on a miniature football field for a couple of hours. Some of them play with the toys, others wrestle or just wander around aimlessly. Or lie down and take a nap in the middle of the melee. As I understand the rules, a touchdown is called if a pup wanders into the end zone with a toy in it's mouth. That's why the Puppy Bowl is the only place you'll hear an announcer call out "Touchdown, Sweetie Pie!"

I had a chance to view the whole thing a couple of years ago and chuckled to myself the whole time. So for your viewing enjoyment, here's a video of Puppy Bowl IX: A Year of Excessive Cuteness, courtesy of Animal Planet and YouTube:

Since I'll be at the house without cable TV on Sunday, I'll probably be watching that other game, you know, the one with the human players that must not named unless you've been blessed by the football gods. Though I do want to hear Renee Fleming sing the Star Spangled Banner.

But if I had my druthers, I'd rather be watching the Puppy Bowl.

What will you be watching and why?
